
Topic: SEO/SEM

Web Page Improvement

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I would like to know the ways of improving a web page that has started to loose popularity. How can I reposition the brand on the web page and attract more consumer attention?Also how can I improve the banners of this web page?Thank you very much!
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    I am struggling with your ultimate goal. How do you measure success? If it is simply measuring how many visitors have come to your site month over month, then you can just spend money on reach or frequency and at some point, you run out of money. I find these problems much easier to solve when I work backwards from the goals.

    Since I have not seen the site here are some general rules we follow:
    1. Banners decrease in effectiveness over time. After 4 to 8 views for a given unique visitor, we tend to swap out banners for our clients. Unless you have a tool that matches visitors to ads shown, you just have to make a best guess.
    2. Email Marketing – newsletters or update announcements are great ways to driving past visitors back to your site. Hopefully to a page with all the right call to actions.
    3. Freshness – if your ads are still effective and driving repeat visitors but they come to a site that looks the same as the last time they were there, they might just click away and not bother investigating. Make sure you landing pages are updated based on your air time or newsletter releases (as best as possible)

    Hope that helps.

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