
Topic: Other

My Difficult Problem!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello Friends!
I am an advertising professional. My problem is as soon as I start work at my office I start feeling sleepy. It’s not because I don’t love this job. I normally sleep by 1am and get up by 8.30 am. I am really finding it difficult. Can anyone suggest me a solution?
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    Get a medical checkup. You may have a serious medical problem, but what ever you do, stay away from those crazy energy products that never seem to work and cost excessively much because they are sold in some pyramid scheme.
  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    Change the temperature of your office, have it so you feel a little bit cold and need a sweet shirt or somthing, but dont put the sweat shirt on.

    Also get more sleep, i try to get at least 9 hours but sometimes only get 3 :(
  • Posted byMushfique Manzooron Accepted
    hi lazy bum

    great advice for your problem from all the experts. you really should think about what Curt mentioned. he might have touched the problme point.

    People usually have Sleeping Hour Blocks of either 3 hours or 4 hours. if you have a 3 hour block and you sleep for 7 hours yu have completed sleeping 2 blocks and waking up while going through the 3rd block. that causes sleep deficiancy which has been cumulating over certain time and makes you sleepy in the morning.

    so, i would suggest that first you find out what is your Sleeping Hour Block and accordingly you should change your sleep pattern. you should go to bed early like 10 or 11pm and get up at 7 am. this will give you more time to sleep.

    also get into a morning exercise, like jogging, brisk walking. Avoid too much tea/coffee in the evening.

    hope this helps.


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