
Topic: Branding

New Real Estate Agent - Looking For Branding Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have read the several posts from previous real estate agents looking for branding and tag lines. There were some really great ideas and I'm hoping you may have some for me as well. Here's a brief bio:

I am a new agent in a large town/small city in the south. I was born and raised here and know the city very well. I am well liked and have an outgoing and fun personality and am interested in helping people in my community sell their homes quickly and cost-effective as possible. Since I don't have any experience yet, I know I need to find other ways to promote myself. I am hoping my high-energy and "charming personality" will help.

Ideas anyone?

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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    I would take a different approach at selecting a phrase or brand image. I would begin by looking at when the agent becomes a consideration in the process of searching and buying/selling a home. I would build on those moments to create phrases that will have your name come to mind before others. Your three to five words should come to mind when a conversation comes up about a house that may come on the market or someone looking to buy a home.

    建立代理将获得更多的业务从referrals then from any other method, which is a customer relationship problem, not a promotion problem.

    New agents are at a disadvantage because they are left will cold calling, open houses and their own listings. Branding is much more difficult to establish in the minds of the buyer and seller until the person can see results and associate a positive experience with the sale or purchase of a home.

    My agent's name is Art. His tag line is "Another work of Art" which he uses in many different variations to make the clients feel like their property is being handled by someone who will actually take great pride in every aspect of the experience when all is said and done. It is very easy for me to remember my agent when a conversation comes up.

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