
Topic: SEO/SEM

What To Expect From A Banner Ad In A Search Engine

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We're considering signing up for a pay per view banner ad placement to appear above the Tier 1 listings of the Retail Florist category on a Canadian search engine ( next week. This would present us as "top position" during a peak floral buying period (Mothers Day week May 1 -8).
We have previous experience on this search engine as a Tier 1 placement ad (appearing immediately below the banner ad spot), but the results didn't justify the cost on an ongoing year-round basis so we discontinued it. For example our cost per order was approx. $30 for a $60 sale. However during our peak event months like Mothers Day, the cost per order dropped to approx $10 per order - or an almost affordable level. Our click through rate at the peak event was 4% and our conversion rate was 6.1% of those clicks.
What should we expect our results to be for the Banner Ad compared to the Tier 1 placement? Better, worse, the same?
Also, any suggestions on how to "negotiate" a better rate per m than what is proposed by the search engine company rep? (they want $35 / m impressions vs $25
for other categories as they claim the premium is justified for the Retail Florist category)
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  • Posted byCorpcommeron Member
    The best I can do for you right now is give you some sources that might help you.

    Checkwww.MarketingExperiments.Com. It's an online laboratory that tests "every conceivable marketing method on the Internet by conducting experiments that range from 3 to 18 months."

    Another source that might have search engine info is a marketing virtual library at

    Also, search this site for search engines or SEO. See the Resources sidebar at right.

    Let me know if this helps. Good luck.

  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Member
    In general, you should get better conversion results for a graphical ad in the first position then a text ad in the first position because you can merge the affective qualities of pictures together with text and trigger a cognitive thought as well. But some key points to remember:

    1. How close can you get with segmentation to the decision maker or purchaser?
    2. Do the images tie to the correct emotions?
    3. Is the text relevant to the images?
    4. Is the landing page a continuation of the same thought?
    5. Is it overtly obvious on the landing page you want them to act (purchase)?

    If you can keep the cost down for the premium placement, you might be ok. Either way it's a math problem from there trying to see how much more click-thru and conversion you need to succeed at the higher rate for the graphical ad.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted
    Also, one last thing, I always ask my clients, "Does this event only happen once in a lifetime, or will it happen again next year?"

    Plan SEO into next year's sales event. Maybe even some of the phrases might be used for other holidays and you'll get a bump there as well. There is nothing more rewarding then seeing your traffic go up with targeted visitors because you are placing key phrases high in natural search results. This is a long term process and should be planned out well in advance of a sales target or campaign support objective.

    Good Luck.
  • Posted byCorpcommeron Member
    bpond - You're welcome.
    I just tried it and it worked. Perhaps there was a temporary glitch?

    Anyway, good luck and all the best.


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