
Topic: Just for Fun


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Member
    Hello hatamomo
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    That's an interesting question. The answer is:

  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Member
    Hello, am welcome to KHE.

    Are you aware you have used all your points and now cant ask another question untill you either earn some by answering questions or by waiting a few days and getting the five points a day.

    If you would like a reund of the points just click on the link that says "moderator help" to your right.
  • Posted byValerie Witton Moderator
    Welcome hatamomo! I just refunded your points and closed this question ... so you can use your points for a real question later.

    Best wishes,


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