
Topic: Customer Behavior

Pricing Enquiries

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
every year we distribute 2000 price lists to our account customers and every day our phones are busy with customers requesting " whats my price " after they have received the distributors price list in the mail the day before !!. they say they are to busy to look up the price or someone has lost the price list . i try to tell customers that if they use the price list then i can spend more time processing there orders so delivery will be faster , but no the phone still rings .
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Member
    I hope you're joking. You have customers calling you and you don't want them to? This must be a first.

    Stop telling customers not to call you with their pricing questions. Instead THANK THEM for calling you, and give them the information they're requesting. Don't make them explain their behavior. I have several clients who would kill to get customers calling them to ask for pricing!

    By the way, when the customers do call, use the opportunity to learn something more about their needs and to upsell. You are being given a great opportunity, and you're somehow managing to find the glass more than half empty.

    Tell me you're joking, please!
  • Posted byPaul Linnellon Member
    Hi Guruman

    Customers are like water - they will find the path of least resistance. For your customers, it is easier to call you and ask the price than look it up themselves. If you complain to them for doing that - the path of least resistance will be to go to someone else who is happy to quote their prices.

    The bottom line: Make it easy for your customers to do business with you. If the process of looking up the prices is too hard for you - why should your customers do it for you!

    Concentrate on helping them and finding a better way to look it up yourself.

    All the best

  • Posted on Member
    I agree with all of the above comments and would like to add that a well trained assistant would probably be the best course of acton. A lot of customers are too busy / lazy to look things up and crave the HUMAN contact. If you feel you are unable to be there for the client, then hire someone who can be there for them.

    Every call should be important to your business - as the clients ARE your business.

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