
Topic: E-Marketing

Getting Respondents Take Action

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I receive very low respondents to take action like email or call us for information. Though there are 400 hits, inquiry less than 3 a month !

I like readers who visit our website to take action, that is, either call, email us to seek inquiry, ask for request. As it is high industrial product for medical industry, I am unsure what is needed for respondents to take action.

[inactive link removed]

Any suggestions ...

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    I noticed a few things just because I worked for a Japanese company for 5 years and they needed regular clarification from non-Japanese customers.

    You may want to hire someone to write the English (or other language) text. That is critical when dealing with doctors. Remember, I'm looking at it in the US, not Singapore.

    Another option is to do direct marketing to doctors. This way they aren't coming to your website to learn about you, but to contact you. It will increase your conversion rate.


  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    I agree with the others, I find no compelling reason to act on the home page. If the intention was to use the phone number or contact form, simply providing links do nothing. Maybe a cost / benefit calculator compared to traditional treatments methods would cause someone stop and think long enough to see your value.

    If this site is used in combination with a print campaign, then create a landing page that matches the audience and makes the call to action painfully obvious.

    As for the patients' pages, I would change this to downloadable PDF's that can be taken to their primary care physician. If they are researching alternative treatment methods then you will want your contact information to be emailed or printed so it can be passed along easily to the actual decision/purchase makers.

    Hope that helps.

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