
Topic: Research/Metrics

Measuring Customer Response To A Bank Remodel

阿宝sted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I may be asked to present a customer research proposal to a local bank chain (9 branches and counting) that is making a major remodel to one of its branches. The purpose is obvious: the current look and feel of the retail facility is right out of the 1960s. And the bank wants to make its brand more distinctive through its branch locations. I'm trying to convince management to consider and measure how their customers will respond, a vital aspect of the project since this remodel will further serve as a pilot for future expansion.

What is the best combination of research techniques to establish credible customer feedback? Focus groups, intercept interviews, phone interviews, customer observation??
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  • 阿宝sted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Sounds like this may be one original branch where the whole business started; or else a competitor that has been acquired by the chain.

    And the "retro" branch may have similarly "retro" customers who use it regularly and don't give a fig for the newer branches. Or they may hate it and wonder when their branch will ever get a makeover...

    I see your problem.

    I would consider a mix of several of the methodologies you have suggested.

    The tellers will probably know the key customers who come back every week. Have them hand out an invitation to call a special number to participate in a focus group. Or offer half-hourly focus groups right there in the branch, if space permits.

    Mail a questionnaire out to a sample of the customers who bank at that branch.

    Telephone survey another sample.

    你需要views of people who:

    1. Visit the branch regularly
    2. Bank at the branch and visit it occasionally
    3. Bank at the branch but don't visit it much if ever.

    Hope this helps!

  • 阿宝sted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Focus groups and intercept interviews seem to be the best choices. I would make sure they provide you with a list of 'regulars' based on account activity from tellers (including ATM / Drive - thru).

    I think you might be overlooking one key piece in all of this. The video recorder for the branch. Make sure you are allowed to get a copy of main lobby recordings.
    1. Flow / POS / Display analysis is crutial
    2. Excellent for before and after analysis or post audit

    Hope that helps.

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