
Topic: SEO/SEM

About Seo

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

suppose I have a website in export business Our main page is available for 2500 products. when user click a product then page is redirect to another website so i want to know about how to promote export site? what is a technique to improve page rank.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    The single most important item for SEO is relevant content. The Title tag is probably the most important of the different meta variables. Some of the search engines look at the meta Description and meta keywords. Text that is highlighted i.e Headings, bold text etc is important. You also need to consider the ALT tags and Link Text. The H1 is generally rated as more important than the H2.

    The simplest way to get started on SEO is to use Word Trackerwww.wordtracker.comto find the best words and phrases to optimise the page for (Wordtracker checks all of the searchs for the last 60 days and identifies the ones that are popular but do not have too many competing sites). You can have a free trial from the Word Tracker site. Once you know the phrases you want to optimise for, use Web Position Goldwww.webposition.com评论页面,建议重新Title, Description Headings, ALT tags, link text and body text. You can download a 30-day free trial trial of Web Position Gold.

    I hope this helps


    Pat Divilly
    CEO MarketWare International
  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    I have not noticed a difference when using H1 verses H5 with key phrases, the fact that you are using a H tag seems to make the difference. Also, the fact that the key phrase is the first set of words on the H Tag seems to give it more weight with certain search engines. Also how close to the top of the page the H Tag seems to help with certain engines.

    Hope that helps.

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