
Topic: Strategy

Peculiarities Of Marketing Home Appliances

Posted byStarsDieon 250 Points
Dear all,

I have been doing Marketing for FMCG (food products) on my last place of work, and before I've been into IT field and banking.
Now I am changing a job and I'll be working for a company producing domestic and professional equipment for kitchen and bathrooms.

Could someone give me some insight about the new for me market of home appliances, electronics and other equipment, please?
I have general knowledge of the market, I know the competitors, target audience, I can apply some tactics I've been using for marketing FMCG, etc. But maybe there exist some things pertaining to this particular market which I don't know yet?

I would appreciate any advice, ideas, thoughts.
Thank you very much in advance.

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  • Posted byadammjwon Accepted

    Of course you will find differences as life-cycle of your products now is totally different.
    That's one.Number two you have to deal with warranty, maintanance and repairs of your products.Another point is that building the brand experience can be even more challanging than for FMCG.
    你需要一个一致的构建从肛门yzing your target group needs to creating the products that fulfill those needs to giving your customers excellent shopping experience( in-shop experience testing included) to offering top usage experience to excellent maintenance experience to, if need be, fast and efficient repair experience.
    These are, in a nutshell, the most important points to consider.
    Of course, it would be helpful to know what are your sales channels how you do it nowadays, how it's working,what's the brand position on the market etc.

  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Thank you very much Adam and Conrad, your thoughts are very interesting and important for me!

    To add a bit in describing the business, it's an international company and they only now have decided on expanding their business to my country. I understand it's gonna be quite hard to attract the distributors as well as the end users because by now we have plenty of competitors, both international and local manufacturers, and they are already well-known on our market. New brand name might sound like something alien and somewhat "unwanted". I'll do my best to create visibility on market and achieve all the goals set, although the marketing budget isn't very big for this year.

    I won't close the thread yet, just in case I can get some other good replies.

    Thank you Conrad for your kind offer to email you if needed. I'll see if I have some more specific questions and maybe apply for help.

  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Thank you very much, dwillis, very informative.
    I haven't thought about interviewing kitchen and bath designers, I'll think about it.
    I'm definitely planning to find a good manufacturer of [kitchen] furniture, cuz this company produces also the built-in equipment for the kitchens.
    And thank you for the good sites you've offered to pay attention to. And the "Twice" magazine.
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Since there are no new replies coming, I am closing the topic to give the way for the new questions. Thank you all for participating, I greatly appreciate your advice and help. If there is anything yet to add, I'll be happy to hear any ideas and thoughts.

    Have a great time everyone!


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