
Topic: E-Marketing

Cons Of A Promotional Web Page For Product Launch

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I really need to know the cons to having a web page/ website to promote a product for a product launch? Why would this be a not so good idea? What are the risks involved?
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  • Posted bysteven.alkeron Accepted

    I can’t see any insurmountable reasons why there should not be a web page on your existing site to promote a new product. A separate website is a no-no and will confuse prospects and customers alike, whist diluting the effort that should go into your main web presence. There are some potential pitfalls which good forward planning will overcome:

    1. The page needs to go live in synchronisation with the rest of your product launch.

    2. The content needs to be evolved with the same diligence and care you apply to your literature and advertising and be subject to the same embargo against leaking the information to the press, the competition and your sales force.

    If it takes you a month or 3 months to evolve a new brochure, instruction manual and advertising for a new product, let the web page or pages evolve at the same time, so that when it is published, it is not full of last minute, ill thought out rubbish.

    3. Make the content of the pages comprehensive. If the product has been field tested, include the results. This will build confidence in something which is, after all, untried in the market. If you have one, include the instruction manual and any pre-release reviews from industry experts or trusted members of the press.

    4. Reference the actual URL of the page, rather than your home page in all the press release activity, launch mail (Conventional and email) and relevant advertising.

    5. Update the home page and the news sections of your website to reference the new pages. Be consistent about this with other sites where you have links or reciprocal arrangements.

    I really can’t see any compelling reason why you shouldn’t use your web space as a promotional area for a new product, unless, of course you are not prepared to do some of the above or you are worried that the new product will blow your existing range out of the water overnight – especially if it is introduced with marketing flair!!


    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Here are some cons:
    1. Your web site sucks so badly that your product is eternally associated with poor quality
    2. Your demographic is nowhere to be found on the internet and you spend millions creating the best site ever seen.
    3. You spend your entire marketing budget on a web site and have no money for a good marketing mix.

    Hope that helps.

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