
Topic: Student Questions

How Flavor Systems Differ W/in Hispanic Subgroups

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am working on project which requires establishing whether we want to market a given food product geared towards Hispanic community only to the Mexicans only, who comprise 60% of the Hispanic population, or to the entire Hispanic population including Puerto Ricans, Cubans etc. One of the determinants can be differences or similarities in the flavor systems between communitites. I want opinions either ways and understand how best to come to a conclusion. Are there any other determinants for decision besides flavor systems?
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Not knowing anything about your product and your market I would start with focus groups. First each ethnic subgroup individually, then come back in a second round with mixed ethnic subgroups to see if the answers are different.

    Hope that helps.

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