
Topic: Website Critique

Please Evaluate Our Web Site

Posted byAmSamon 250 Points
Please take time to visit [URL deleted by staff].
This is a web site, selling hotel room accomadation for visitors to London.
In your opinion, what are the 5 most important factors which drives you to book a hotel with this site, and 5 most important factors NOT TO BOOK with this site.

What's your opinion on speed of the site? Presentation ? Online payment security assuarance?

If you are a customer, would you book with us? If not why?
What improvements you suggest?
(Hope this isn't too much)

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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    AsiaVoss, you need to remove the "." from the end:

    [URL removed]


    Factors that make me want to book on this site:

    Factors that make me NOT want to buy on your site:

    If I don't have javascript enabled then I cant use your site

    The first time I used the "Quick availability search" I had the area "City" and everything else as default. When I searched I asked for my kids ages!!! but I didn't say I had any kids. But after reloading it worked fine.

    There are little things like this (see attached link to a photo) that make the site unprofessional when viewed in firefox.

    Speed is fine, 64Kb connection here because I went over my 1Gb limit this month in about an hour!!!

    Presentation: It is good, I like your site,but it might be a bit busy.

    Online payment: looks good, I still would prefer to pay in person and try to get a better deal (but that might be just me)

    Reasons not to book with you:

    The book now button does not in firefox!!

    Do you offer other languages? As London is a big city lots of people will not speck English so you could expand your audience.

    Also you might want to have some "tips" for staying in London, I know that there has just been a new magazine launched that tell people "must know things" to live in London, but I cant remember the website.
  • Posted byAmSamon Author
    I'm not clear about your response at all. (May be my language understanding is poor)
    About the right click option, thanks for the suggestion. I'll discuss it with our team and let you all know.

    FireFox 1.0.4,

    Thank you very much for your comments, and time taken. It was really helpful.


    你的改进!我们已经讨论ssed here, to implement most of the suggestions you made. Other suggestions, I'll take up with my team and let you know. Thanks a lot for your time.

    I am expecting more responses for this questions, so I won't close it yet.

    Thanks every one.

  • Posted byAmSamon Author
    I need couple of more responses. Please, can some of you take a look at this today, and I can close it tommorrow.

  • Posted byAmSamon Author
    Thanks all those who responded to my question. Since this has been open for few days now, I decided to close it here. But, I would appreciate if any other who wish to respond to this, contacting me via e-mail.



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