
Topic: Student Questions

How The Sales Promo Achieve Ad's Purpose&target?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
When i did my ad assignment project, i have to determine the target market (including age,gender,SES,etc), product advantages, consumer benefits, Brand Identity, press advertisement and also the sales promo. I thought if we already get the target audience,so what is the aim of Sales Promo? My lecture said that sales promo will help to achieve the ad's target and purpose. Here i'd like to know, how important is it to put the sales promo into the advertisement?
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    The sales promo allows you to measure the performance of the ad. Without it, you're only guessing.

  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Also, depending on past performance of your ads you may also decide to add a promo to help generate a faster response if your demographic tends to be in value and impulse categories.

    Hope that helps

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