
Topic: Website Critique

Opinions On My Site

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
Would love to hear what anybody thinks of

My overall plan was 1) keep it simple 2) provide only relevant data 3) keep user clicks to a minimum to get what they want 4) have pages load as quickly as possible

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  • Posted bychoughon Member
    I think I can see where you're going. I've got the feeling you want the simplicity of a, rather than a media rich site. The problem is it just looks like a rather dull homepage. I think you need a decent logo at the lop of the page, and a simplified structure. After all, if you are going to have a simple directory it's got to look the business. I think your site would also benefit from limited and controlled banner advertising, (Not often I say that) which would be an additional revenue stream.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Good things that you did:
    1. Page loads quickly
    2. KISS (Keep it short and simple)

    Suggestions for improvement

    1. take out the developments link
    2. create a form in order that visitors can directly “talk” to real estate agents and then charge the agents if they want to be added to the list.
    3. Include what each agent specializes in, e.g. office, homes, shops, etc…
    4. Make it slightly more colorful, add logo for each agent if there is one.
    5. Include a small link to info about Spain as a country, why do you want people to buy real estate?
    6. make the text for each agent more clear. Increase the font, add spaces, indent paragraphs, etc…its not easy to read.
    7. You need to keep the list updated and relevant. Update by adding new agents, and make it relevant by checking the contact info, it may change over time.
    8. Include a real estate link exchange program with other directories
    9. Include a certification of quality for each Agent. What makes them an agent?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all for your valued input. Your feedback is really appreciated. Many of the ideas suggested are already in the pipeline (info pages, better nav bars, contact form etc). Your answers have forced me to have a re-think on the graphics.

    The idea for the site came about when I planned to move to Spain and could not find a list like this.
    I lived in the south of England 30 miles from London in a brand new development, one of the most densely populated areas of Europe, yet the telephone company could not provide broadband, so I think its a mistake to assume most surfers have it. To me there is nothing more frustrating than waiting for a pretty picture to load when all I want is info.

    我同意这个网站很无聊,但电话books. I am not keen on the idea of showing properties. We are not selling properties, just providing a contact point to those who are. If it was a directory of emergency services, for example, we would not have pictures of ambulances and police cars.

    The intention is to ask estate agents to pay for a premium listing which will place them top of each list with their entry highlighted - that is why highlighting occurs only on the top 15 entries at present - its a demo.

    Reason for so much text is the search engines love it. On a Yahoo search for "estate agents mijas" my site is returned number 2. "list estate agents mijas" brings it back number 1. Likewise for other list pages on the site, and I also get number 1 on MSN and Altavista. Side nav bar is collapsed on all agent listing pages to give more room to display agent details.

    So what have I learned from your input?
    1) If you guys think its boring, then agents will probably think so too, so graphics are now in (Aaargh!).
    2) Font will be changed and paragraphs better formatted
    3) Persistent side and top nav bars
    4) contact details for me at top of page
    5) Summary of services provided by agent will be included

    And why do I hate you guys (only joking)? I got a beautiful low kb jpg beach scene to use as a logo on all pages, so now I need to change the entire colour scheme. Never mind, it looks much better. Hope to have it uploaded early next week.

    Thanks again everybody

  • Posted on Member
    Dear Billy,

    It's a wonderful feeling when people listen to what you have to say.
    Your site looks much better.

    Best regards,

    Patrick A.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Patrick

    I'm stunned!

    我只把the new site up about 3 hours ago. How did you know it was there?

    I had intended asking all respondents to have a look when I had ironed out all the little things (bits of yellow trailing about the place, underlines etc) and it displays differently in Firefox and IE (there's a surprise).

    I really appreciated all the advice from my first post, and I doubly appreciate you taking the time to comment on the new.

    Many, many thanks


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