
Topic: Taglines/Names

Handyman Service Slogan/tagline Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have earned a reputation in the home repair and maintenance business as a professional and dependable
"handyman" service with impeccable references.
My clients tell me I should reflect that image in my advertising and I agree.
I need a fresh approach to the company image starting with the slogan or tagline. The message is professional, expert, experienced, dependable, honest. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Member
    Lots of info on the site --good stuff, but almost TOO much.

    I agree that "handyman" doesn't do you justice. Something like 'home repair central" or
    "the professional source" would establlish the broad capability wiith a more competent feeling behind it.

    I like a punchy, assumptive tone, like:

    Home repair. Done. Professionally.


    Done. Right. Quick.

    One source. Many resources.


    Just a few starting thoughts. More later, maybe...
  • Posted bychoughon Member
    Ok, taking a flier here as I'm on the other side of the pond, two nations separated by a common language and all that, but in the US isn't RX the abreviation for a prescription? (it aint in the UK!)

    It's a strong concept, why not play on that?

    It will reinforce your website address in your targets mind, allow you to develop a strong strapline, "Your prescription for a reliable service - at a great price", create a logo (I have designed it in my minds eye already), and get funky with your copy!)

    Looks like you've already got a great business, but what you could have on your hands is a great BRAND! For instance why not buy the domain, (it's available!) and look for a great professional you can trust and work with to franchise your idea to? I'm sure you already have a network of trusted colleagues that you could bring together under an umbrella brand!

    One tip, buy up those domain names quick (they'll cost you next to nothing, even if the idea doesn't progress), or somebody else will.
    Oh, and when you've got more money than you know what to do with, remember who gave you the idea.

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