
Topic: Website Critique

Website Conversion Rate

Posted by Anonymous on 82 Points
我们有一件事你会建议增加我的b site's conversion rate.

please no generic stuff - looking for crative input
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    I have to go along with KSA on this, the 'congrats Kathy' is really annoying and stating what you are and having a 'contact us' button is not a call to action. And if it is, well, you have admitted it's not working anyways, so get a call to action on your landing pages that will work then.

    You really need a 'what's in it for me' call to action, the trick will be in know who is checking you out: Event Planners, Personal Assistants, HR Departments, etc.

    I would start by analyzing your web logs and try to determine where they are landing on the site. Your home page states what you are and has a contact us button (weak call to action), but what about the rest of your site. I'm thinking some kind of graphical button with a catchy phrase that implies they will have great success if your show up to their event, is in order on all your pages!

    The next thing to look at in the logs is what phrases, if any, are they coming to you with in the referrer. This may help you understand the audience, and help you understand how to make changes to convert them. On the other hand, you may find this is not the right crowd anyways, and you need to make changes that are more fundamental.

    I hope this helps.

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