
Topic: E-Marketing

Automated Online E-learning Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello friends, can someone give me some tips on how I can drive my website:

which is a Automated Online E-Learning Subscription Portal business into the world wide web so that the internet users globally can have a chance to access into it and explore the unbelievable video seminars by world-class successful motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Brian Tracy, Dr John Gray plus about 200+ video seminars online to acccess to....

Currently my website has already penerated into 23 countries but I like it to grow even faster tappping on the internet capabilties.....

Please can you give me your advice as I really love this website business and would like to share it to all the internet users in the world , to help them excel in what they do ...

Thank you.
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    First with all the money you have earned, you could hire someone to create a web site that can be used to attract more prospects which are sent to your SkyQuest site when they are truly ready to commit. This would be a valid business expense.

    You can then use search engines and PPC activities to get more traffic to YOUR site. This monthly work would also be a valid business expense.

    If that isn't the direction you want to take, then you need to work with your downline and help them sell more packages so your downline grows.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    The web site that was provided to you is not designed to be submitted to search engines, every member of your association has the same site, with the exception of your member information for referral purposes.

    This is why I suggest you hire someone to make your own web site with the purpose of getting found on the internet using search engines. Your hundreds of thousands you have earned could be put to good use and could be reinvested in this type of promotional work.

    PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, and is a form of advertising in which you pay only if someone clicks on your ad. Overture and Google Ad words are good places to start, but there might be others that have your target audience as well.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted bysammykarijon Accepted

    I think you need something that would trully introduce you to the world of internet marketing with explanations of the jargons such as ppc, seo etc and also assist to succeed.

    Affiliate marketing is not doomed, but websites focussing purely on promoting products of other are doomed. May i state also that success with internet business is not a get rich quick business. It is hardwork.

    Probably you can visit the site of my dear who taught me this hard truths about internet marketing. at


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