
Topic: Advertising/PR


Posted byStarsDieon 250 Points

At different jobs, I've been using some one-time services from the full-service advertising agencies, and I also have been using different services from creative, outdoor, btl etc. agencies separately. But I never tried to use the full range of services from one and the same full-service agency. For some reason, I like to choose the best service at the competitive price for every need. I like to work with a few companies, I can order their services again when I have the same need, provided I was satisfied with their services in the past. If there is some new way of advertisement needed, I make a tender and find the best company among a few again.

But my question is: if it is more convenient, more money-saving, or let's say - easier - to work with one and the same advertisement agency and receive the full service from them, or is it still better to work with several companies on different issues?
Is there anything to illustrate well all cons and pros of the full-service?

If you're working at the advertising agency (be it full-service, creative, promotion, media, etc.) - please illustrate your advantages/disadvantages.

If you're a marketing person and work with advertising agencies - please share your thoughts as to what types of agencies are more attractive in terms of partnership, judging from your personal experience.

Thank you very much.
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  • Posted byadammjwon Accepted

    You have been given some really good points to consider.Let me add 2 cents to it and anwer your questions:
    Is it more convenient to work with one agency-yes
    Is it easier -yes
    Is it cheaper- quite often not.
    I think the issue mostly boils down to the question if this one selected agency can and will fulfill your expectations and offer real value you need.If this is the case than I see no point in splitting hairs.Of course you will parhaps pay a bit more for leaflets,gizmos or promotional materials but if it's the price to be paid for consistency of your campaigns-it's worth it.The case is to find a partner who will really understand your needs and values you want to put before your public.

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The value an agency brings is a function of the people involved. If you have a great account exec and a talented creative team, use them for everything they can do for you. If they are only good at one or two things, then you'll have to use multiple agencies.

    Remember that what you're buying when you hire an agency (or several agencies) is creative talent. Some agencies may have assembled people who are talented in almost every area. If you can find one of those, you don't need multiple agencies. Or you might find an agency with a teriffic account exect who has a comprehensive Rolodex, and he/she can bring in the best talent for each need. Great! Use that agency (as long as the account exec stays on your account).

    Most of the time, you'll need multiple agencies. The folks who are great at television or radio advertising, or print, may not be the best at new media or direct response. An agency that's really good at PR may not be so good with traditional advertising, etc., etc.

    If the convenience is more important to you than having the very best people working on every facet of your marketing program, then it may be worth hiring an agency that does B or B+ work on everything. If you want A+ across the board, you'll probably need multiple agencies.
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author
    Thank you very much for your quick and valuable feedback, everyone gave his/her own viewpoint, and they are different, once again :)
    I think I will use the model"use a couple but keep looking for the "one"introduced byjmueller, cuz for now, it seems the most appropriate for me.
    Special thanks tojwinsper*for the rules.
    I'm not closing the thread yet, just in case there will be some more posts to add.
    Thank you all once again.
  • Posted byStarsDieon Author

    Since there are no replies anymore, I'm closing the thread to give more space for new questions.

    Thank you all for your answers.
    And good luck in your business!


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