
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For Int'l Marketing Consulting

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我在规划阶段的开始自己的marketing consulting services in SF/Bay Area, California. Targeted customers are small to mid-sized firms from Japan and Germany (due to my cultural background and work experience) who are seeking to enter into the US market. I specialize in helping companies localize their business in the US.

I need an English name that's easy for non-English speaking customers to understand and pronounce, but still have a catchy sound to it. I see a lot of consulting names made up of acronyms or named after their own names, but I find those to be a little flat. I don't want a name that sounds too playful either. Want to appear professional. I also want to have a tagline with "International Marketing Resource" or better.

Any good ideas? Thanks for your time.
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I heard of a company called JapanEntry which does the reverse of what you are offering. So how about "AmericaEntry"?

    I kind of like Expand Abroad, but that one is taken... 8-)
  • Posted byPaul Linnellon Accepted
    Hi Bernadette

    Here are a few ideas:

    • StateSide
    • NY2LA
    • States-R-US

    Best of luck with it.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, Peter (aka Strange Foreigner :-)
    Appreciate your quick response. I actually wanted something that doesn't really include geographical name such as 'America'. I want to leave a possibility to do the reverse in the future.

    You're right, Expand Abroad is indeed taken, what a shame...;-) You're my local guy, if you need additional resource, let me know.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Worldwide Market Champs

    Champion Marketers
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your contribution!

    Paul - Very unique. But again, I don't feel that they really represent the international presence.

    debrady - Definitely easy for non-English speakers to understand what they mean, but I think Japanese customers would have a heck of time pronouncing them...

    Any more ideas?
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    How about






    (All seem completely unknown to Google, ergo, so should be available)

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    I like the ideas from ChrisB, that's more in the direction I'd like to go. Any ways to tweak it? I'm still looking for the 'aha' effect.

    Thanks for your time and valuable input!
  • Posted byGhost Writeron Accepted
    To get the sense of the 'border crossing' nature of your agency, how about:

    Breakthrough Marketing

    The Border Agency

    Pacific Atlantic Marketing

    United Cultures Marketing

    Crossings Agency

    Beyond Borders Marketing

    Overseas Over Here

    Incoming Marketing

    The Incoming Agency


  • Posted byPaul Linnellon Accepted
    Hi Bernadette

    Me again - how about:

    • Marketing Sans Frontière

    Best regards

  • Posted bychoughon Accepted
    Three variants on a theme: You, to us/US(A).



  • Posted on Author
    Wow! Thank you, everyone! Some creative ideas!

    I realize that it's not an easy task to come up with a business name. I've been struggling with it for awhile now, but I've received loads of great ideas here to play around with. I think I'll sit on it for awhile and let it sink in until the creative side of my brain starts to free up again. I'm trying to avoid any compulsive decision-making. But definitely your contributions are getting closer to the right feel of what I'm looking for.

    Have a question: Bofore I register my business with a business name, etc, I'm thinking of starting out as an independent contractor. I found myself in a dilemma that without a business name, I can't have an official website or business cards created. So, I thought freelancing first would be a good transition. At least for my business card, I'll just have my name and "International Marketing Services" or something generic on it for the time-being.

    My question is: What is a status of independent contractor? I mean, do I still need to register my freelance status as small business? (Maybe this belongs to another thread...sorry). Thanks again.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member

    What you're asking really requires knowledge of the local laws where you live.

    I suggest you check either with an attorney, or, for a quicker/cheaper opinion, contact the state government where you are and ask for their small business bureau or equivalent. They should be able to tell you what you need to know.

    Good Luck.


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