
Topic: Other

Ethics And Information

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
You have just finished collecting data, and you are coding open ended responses, some responses do not make sense. do you take them out and not show them , or do you leave them in and risk looking like a fool trying to explain this to your client.

Further on, you are analysing data, and cannot find anything to show the client that validates your work (you only have cross tabs), so do you try to invent a chart from the data you have that goes along with what you consider is common sense? or do you just say no finding....
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  • Posted byStarsDieon Member
    I think you need to organize a meeting with your client and explain what you can explain and ask about points where you can't come across the decision. Don't be afraid to ask, don't worry - you won't look like a fool if you can put your questions correctly. Before the meeting, make a list of questions to discuss, and a list of your ready ideas. If you can make some chart - do it, to show your work and to better visualize the whole process. The main thing is that you need to meet the needs of your client, and in order to achieve this goal you need as much info from the client himself as possible. You provide some services for your client, but it is obvious that he knows his business environment better than you, so it's exactly with his help you can collect and analyze the data correctly. During the meeting, you'll find more questions to ask and more ideas to offer. If one meeting is not enough, don't be afraid to ask for another one. The better you understand the whole situation - the better you will do your job. It's just about quality of your services.
  • Posted bychoughon Accepted
    On analysing your data, if you find nothing that validates your work, you have to take a view on whether your work is correct. If you really feel it's strong enough, and the right solution DESPITE the research, be prepared to fight for it. But I for one would question what the point of the research is! Maybe it's time to go back to the drawing board.

    Responses don't make sense? Really? Have a closer look at these… unless your respondents were being deliberatley obtuse or obstructive, they probably made sense to THEM. Have another look and see if you can get inside their heads - you may get some real insights!!

    Research is a great tool, if it's done properly. If you didn't get the results from it you wanted, that can be great, FRESH INSIGHTS, FRESH IDEAS, REAL DATA, use it!! Why not go to your client and say, this was our original thinking, but we did the research and WE WERE WRONG! We've spun our thinking round 180° and this is what we reccomend as the way forward… How refreshingly honest would that sound to their ears?

    Good luck, keep us posted on what transpires!

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