
Topic: E-Marketing

How Can Micro Sites Help In B2b Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
A software client wants to do lead generation to SMEs via a micro site. Is this a good method or are there other marketing strategy that could be implemented?
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  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Micro sites are excellent tools to help focus your message and not get lost in unneeded navigation and branding from any of your other internet properties. In other words, why confuse them will all the other call to actions you may have already designed into your other sites, when you can just have them focus on what you want them to do on the microsite.

    You can still pass them on to the other sites when the opportunity is correct.

    And it's not a bad idea to build a parallel campaign as sub pages on your main sites, or to build your call to actions on the main sites to the microsite, but all that depends on if you target market is already visiting your other internet properties.

    Hope that helps ...

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