
Topic: E-Marketing

Online Credit Card Application

Posted byevrim_erson 250 Points
How can we increase our online application number of credit cards? Why people prefer to go to branchs instead of getting their cards via internet?
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I can't remember the last time I actually applied for a credit card. Don't most people just wait for the offers to come in the mail these days?

    If someone were actively looking for a card, however, I'd imagine that their existing bank is a good place to start. They could do that on the bank's site or at the branch.

    If you could tell us more about your overall operation (full bank?) and who your market is, we might have a better chance at telling you how to reach that market on the Web.

    You will get lots of great advice here!

  • Posted byadammjwon Accepted
    evrim_ers ,

    If you are a real bank you might probably like to know that in the last years six largest banks in the U.S. started opening brick and mortar branches at a record pace with Washington Mutual serving as a good example of this tendency.I would assume they must have had a damn good reason to do it as this is a pretty costly endevor.Most supposedly the banks, all of them with a prominent online presence have come to the conclusion that even their online customers will get quite tangible benefits using the branches.

  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    I believe the "identity theft" message has hit home in this area. No one wants to take a chance, unless they are completely sure of safety, that providing key information to some unknown 'agent' on-line will not results in the same horror stories that are reported by the news and financial institutions. There remains some ounce of comfort in knowing that the physical building will still be there in the morning, albeit with a new name every now and then, but this confidence does not exist on the internet properties, even with strong brand names.

    If the physical world can be tied into the on-line process, this will go a long way in promoting trust: a call from a local branch confirming the interest, a call from a local branch offering a free consultation, etc.

    Hope that helps ...

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