
Topic: Branding

Re-branding How To Target Launching Efforts

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have walked into a new marketing position where two companies are joining forces as one. We are positioning the services of the second company as an extension of services now provided by the first. We have combined both company names as one. We only provide services.

What steps (activities) are crucial to the successful launch of this new campaign? We have updated all literature, modified web presence, and have schedule electronic announcements.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    It would be really good if you can develop a compelling presentation of your "company story" and then deliver it face-to-face to your prime target market in a blitz campaign.

    That way you're sure the message is delivered the way you want it, you are at least noticed (as a new entity) by all the key players in your target audience, and your people all have the same story, presented the same way, with the same benefits and positioning words.
  • Posted bytimo kruskopfon Member
    FIRST comes the staff!
    Your only product is service. That means your people serve your customers. If employees don't understand, believe and trust the new business structure and their personal role (security) in it, youre loose the external campaign before you even started it.
    My basic activites plan in merger situation is as follows
    1. Top management harmonisation: developing mutually agreed core messaging (a story behind, reasoning the merger). They should have one clear key message to employees, customers and other stake holders.
    2. Internal campaign: it's a true direct marketing effort where top managment has to sell the new idea.
    3.直接活动的现有客户merging companies: must do message differentiation because they might have totally different reasons to be customers and their benefits from merger vary.
    4. PR operations externally.
    5. External marketing activities to get new business.

    Remember how long it took you to understand the benefits of this merger. You have spent sleepless nights pondering all aspects and developed a new business model for months. Don't expect ohters to get it in 15 seconds. Especially your own people.

    Good luck - and patience
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    I think you'll find some useful ideas in similar Q&A threads on this forum. Click theSearch Questionslink on the right side of this page, then use the keyword "rebrand" to see what comes up.

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