
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Effectiveness For Audio Visual

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Being a relatively new company (8 months) who is a master dealer and exclusive distributor for several re-known audio visual brands. Products include projector, screen, plasma, speaker, keyphone and control system etc. Wonder what is the most effective way to kick-start marketing efforts other than paper advertisement. Would email marketing be feasible?
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    I'm a believer in e-mail marketing, but not blasted and untargeted.

    You have 2 goals really:
    1) Be visible at the place where people start their search when they need your service
    2) Aggressively pursue future buyers who aren't yet ready for your service so they choose you when they are.

    Newspaper? Not my choice. Website? Gotta have a great one.

    Being a new company you probably have some extra time on your hands, get out on the street and knock on doors. Still, in my opinion, the best marketing method.

  • Posted byROIHUNTERon Accepted

    Email (Opt-in) marketing is not a bad idea but you have to spend time building that list first. Let me suggest you find email newsletters that are already being published to your target market and purchase ads or sponsor these publications.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted bytimo kruskopfon Accepted
    Who do you target? Are they using email or internet. Please get priorities right.

    First target group definition: their wants and needs, habits and customs.
    Second what do you want them to think and do.
    Third how do you reach them.

    The 4C's is always a good place to start:
    1. Customer wants and needs
    2. Cost he/she is willig to pay to satisfy these wants and needs
    3. Convenience to buy
    4. Communication

    As being the master dealer you should also look like it so it means visibility also on above the line media and major role on marketplace. But use it innovatively and integate tightly with tools like e-marketing.

    我们做了一个与一个品牌概念,可以称之为B, targeting the very high premium segment. Home or office integrated system cost a little fortune and brand was not well known on our national market. So what we did we sent out e-invitations, tracked the interest level and enhanced with telemarketing. The response rate was extremely good. Prospects came into VIP event with B audio system performance and got a special gift.

    This and similar you can do with premium priced, high involvement products only.

    What I would fancy to do also as a supportive action: generate a series of audio-viral spots: funny sound files friends send to each other.

    Have fun

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