
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate Logo With One Word Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Yes! Another real estate related question. I stubled onto this site trying to get ideas for myself and new partner wanting to join forces and be a team. I am not really looking for a tagline, but a powerful, one line name and logo design based on that name that people will recognize. "Powerhouse" is a popular team in our area and we would like our own name that people will instantly associate with what we do. Buyers and sellers need to know we can help them both, not one or the other. I tried to access old articles to get ideas, but to no avail. We understand that good ideas are not free and are willing to compensate, but are unsure as to how this works. The name should include some include some understanding as to what it means to help us with our eventual "tagline" Thank-you
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  • Posted bychoughon Accepted
    I'd try and include the word Home, rather than House, as a Home is an emotional thing, a House a rational one… Appealing to the heart rather than the head, while still coming accross as professional and trustworthy.
    Homestart (Good for first time buyers)
    are a few that come to mind.
  • Posted on Accepted
    For a name that speaks powerfully to what you are ultimately able to do for both buyers and sellers, I'd suggest:

    The Closers


    Lucky Guppy Marketing

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    The procedure is this:

    1. Post a project on the "Hire an Expert" board. You do that by clicking on "Post a Project" in the column at the right side of this window.

    2. If you have a well-thought-out creative brief, share it with the experts who are interested in bidding on your project. If you don't, then you probably ought to include development of the creative brief on your list of deliverables for the project. It will cost a bit more, but it will also ensure that you and the selected consultant/designer are on the same page, and that there is no ambiguity as to what you expect as the deliverable. (The creative brief will become the spec sheet for the job.)

    3. Commission the project and interact with the consultant to get exactly what you want and need.

    Good luck! There are several very talented experts here who can address your needs.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Well this is pretty tough 'cause of how I feel the realestate market being saturated to some extent, there are dozens and dozens of different real estate companies and when you want to start it off, you've got to have a name a logo and branding thats really hits the public.
    I have an idea of a logo, maybe could cook it up and send it to you but as for a name I'd suggest somewhere about:


    Catchy gives the impression of wide coverage as well as real estate.


  • Posted bybrowncatfanon Accepted
    Perhaps it's a little "expected" but I think the label...


    ...would do what you'd like it to. Lots of emotional goodwill, "rooting interest" and a feeling of cooperation.

    But Mgoodman is certainly correct in that you will receive more specific and strategic thinking by hiring someone qualified to help.

    Good luck.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    What about something like...

    Bullseye Realtors
    Sharpshooter Realty

    与tagline like...

    "Hitting the mark in the home market."

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