
Topic: Strategy

Selling Slow Moving Product

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
dear sir,

thank you very much giving me a moment to sharing my problem.
I have a dillema to sell my slow moving product. As you know,I run in a building material trading, now on i can not sell my ceramics tile in many type, it was four months in my warehouse.
From my study to the market,thats all because of its price so exspensive.
I can not sell it in the lower price because my basic price so high.
the question i would like to ask you, would you like giving me some advices how to make a discount strategy to sell my slow moving product.
thanks very much for your attention.

best regards

Golden & Co
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  • Posted byadammjwon Accepted

    I do not want to get into too much detail why you decided to stock so expensive items without a a worked out maketing strategy to support it.The case is you got it in your warehouse and cannot sell it.
    I would recommend you start looking around for some partners who could help you sell the stock.Think who could be most helpful to you- architects, designers,developers.Also I would think of partnership with high-end refurbishing&redecorating companies.
    Did you try to push it via your website, if you have one?
    I would also consider some co-branding initiative with bathroom equipment vendor or the like.
    I do not think you have much room for discount strategy as, according to your words,you cannot come up with competitive price-setting.

    Hope it helps,

  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    As I understand your question, you have tile in your warehouse that hasn't sold for four months. The market price for your tile is very low and you can not sell it at this price because the cost of the tile is too high.

    One discounting strategy is "bundling." This strategy is sell tile at a discount deep enough to make the price competitiveifthe customers buy another product - a product that has a good profit margin to make up for the loss on the tile. For instance, suppose the tile price would have to be discounted by 50% to make it competitive. And suppose you also sell kitchen cabinets and make a very good profit. You could have a "sale" on your kitchen cabinets - "buy these cabinets and get this tile and take 50% off the price of the tile." This way you sell your cabinets at "list price," you get rid of your tile, and the customer gets a good deal, too.

    If you offer installation service and make a good profit off of that, maybe you could offer a deal on discounted installation if they by the tile.

    有一件事要考虑的瓷砖your warehouse is paid for already. The price you paid is irrelavant at this point. And as the tile sits there in your warehouse, it ties up your money. It might be better for you to sell it at market price and recover your cash so you can put it into other products you can sell and make a good profit versus let it sit there.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted bytimo kruskopfon Accepted
    An answer and a question for you Mr Golden&co

    Add value to your proposition as Wayde already explained or more: take a designer who will use these tiles and make sample solutions, "Buy a designer Bath Oasis". use rendered pictures, sketches etc. So you add value to buyer and bundle all in one package. Even put a building team on place because most hindering issue is usually how to find a good trustworhty blumber...

    Remember always to create total solutions for customers. They just want the most fantastic place for bathing - not renovation, cement, dust and dirt, noise...

    Question: why do you store these tiles? Expand your selection and put effort on how to speed up logistics straight from suppliers stock.

    Good luck from Timo

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